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So far admin has created 104 blog entries.

Longvida® Named Finalist For Nutrition Research Project Award


Longvida® Optimized Curcumin® has recently been named one of three finalists for the 2020 NutraIngredients-Asia Nutrition Research Project award. This prestigious accomplishment is in a category that rewards the best game changing nutrition research projects [...]

Longvida® Named Finalist For Nutrition Research Project Award2022-04-23T15:48:23+00:00

Emerging Trends In Formulating For Pet Health


The pet health category has shown immense growth, potential, and has mirrored trends similar to the human personal wellness space, with 33% of canine households and 20% of feline households using supplements for pets.1 Further, [...]

Emerging Trends In Formulating For Pet Health2022-04-23T15:55:22+00:00

New Additions To The Natural Wetlands At Verdure Global HQ


In 2018, Verdure proudly celebrated the opening of our global headquarters in Noblesville, Indiana, USA. In choosing a location for our headquarters, we considered it vital to select a site that would also afford an [...]

New Additions To The Natural Wetlands At Verdure Global HQ2022-05-13T14:46:42+00:00

Restoridyn® Supports Faster Return To Normal Function: New Study


Recently, Restoridyn, a proprietary blend of pomegranate ellagitannins and curcuminoids, was shown to have beneficial impacts to exercise recovery, sports nutrition, healthy aging, immune support, and promotion of a balanced inflammatory response. Researchers explain, “recreationally [...]

Restoridyn® Supports Faster Return To Normal Function: New Study2022-04-23T16:27:04+00:00

Restoridyn® Named Winner Of Nutrition Research Project Award


We are proud to announce “Restoridyn, a synergistic sports nutrition blend of polyphenols” has received recognition as the 2020 Nutrition Research Project recipient during the recent NutraIngredient-USA Awards’ virtual event. The Nutrition Research Project category [...]

Restoridyn® Named Winner Of Nutrition Research Project Award2022-04-27T15:49:20+00:00

Longvida® Improves Mood And Memory In Healthy Adults: New Clinical Study


In 2014, researchers at Swinburne University studied the effects of Longvida in healthy older adults for its benefits in memory, mood, and fatigue.1 The results of this trial showed significant positive results and earned the [...]

Longvida® Improves Mood And Memory In Healthy Adults: New Clinical Study2022-04-23T16:33:53+00:00

Trust And Transparency Through Third-Party Accreditations


Verdure is proud to provide high quality ingredients with value-added benefits and layers of transparency. Beyond the exceptional quality team, key industry partnerships, and clinical substantiation, Verdure works to further establish supply chain confidence through [...]

Trust And Transparency Through Third-Party Accreditations2024-12-27T17:19:49+00:00

Restoridyn® Named Finalist For 2020 NutraIngredients USA Award


Verdure Sciences was recently notified that research on Restoridyn®, a synergistic sports nutrition blend of proprietary polyphenols, has been selected as a finalist for the NutraIngredients-USA Awards in the Nutrition Research Project Award category. This [...]

Restoridyn® Named Finalist For 2020 NutraIngredients USA Award2022-04-23T16:47:18+00:00

Increased Interest In Balanced Gut Microbiome For Immune Health


Between February and March alone, the number of daily vitamin and nutritional supplement takers rose 14% with much of that focus on wellness and immune support.1 According to a recent article from the American Botanical [...]

Increased Interest In Balanced Gut Microbiome For Immune Health2022-04-23T16:54:17+00:00

Longvida® Found Efficacious In Knee Support Clinical Study


In an independent, ethics-approved, double blind, randomized, placebo controlled clinical trial conducted by Gupte PA et al, Longvida Optimized Curcumin was evaluated for safety and efficacy against ibuprofen (males and females aged 40-65 yrs). The [...]

Longvida® Found Efficacious In Knee Support Clinical Study2022-04-23T16:56:00+00:00
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