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So far admin has created 104 blog entries.

UNPA Welcomes Two New Executive Members


Salt Lake City, UT — The United Natural Products Alliance (UNPA) has announced that Verdure Sciences, based in Noblesville, IN will be returning as an executive member and Sirio Pharma Co. Ltd., headquartered in Shantou, [...]

UNPA Welcomes Two New Executive Members2022-04-24T16:01:23+00:00

Verdure Sciences 20th Birthday And New Campus


Verdure Sciences celebrated its 20-year Anniversary and unveiled details of on a new corporate campus during the Supply Side West show in Las Vegas, NV in true style with champagne and cake at the booth. [...]

Verdure Sciences 20th Birthday And New Campus2022-04-24T16:02:32+00:00

Pomella® Mind And Body For Active People: Whitepaper


More than ever active people are looking for natural alternatives that can provide nutritional support to help maximize exercise benefits and reduce recovery time. Natural antioxidants are an excellent alternative, but not all are able [...]

Pomella® Mind And Body For Active People: Whitepaper2022-04-24T16:06:03+00:00

Longvida® Confirmed To Cross Blood Brain & Blood Retinal Barriers


A recent clinical publication in a peer-reviewed journal, JCI Insight, offers a practical, noninvasive approach to detect and monitor discrete retinal amyloid deposits in patients using solid-lipid curcumin and a modified scanning laser ophthalmoscope. The [...]

Longvida® Confirmed To Cross Blood Brain & Blood Retinal Barriers2022-04-27T16:15:07+00:00

Curcumin Supplement Improves Vascular Endothelial Function In Middle-Aged & Older Adults


Mounting evidence suggests that curcumin, an anti-inflammatory ingredient in the Indian spice tumeric, has vascular protective effects in aging animals and humans. We tested the hypothesis that curcumin improves vascular endothelial function, as assessed by [...]

Curcumin Supplement Improves Vascular Endothelial Function In Middle-Aged & Older Adults2025-02-15T19:36:57+00:00

Longvida® Exhibits Significant Improvements To Biomarkers


Researchers at Central Michigan University have taken a closer look at Longvida Optimized Curcumin®. Previously, these researchers conducted amyloid binding work in vitro with promising results1. Recently published, in the International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, [...]

Longvida® Exhibits Significant Improvements To Biomarkers2022-04-24T16:17:08+00:00

Longvida® Optimized Curcumin Receives US Patent 9,192,644


Longvida® Optimized Curcumin was awarded the US Patent 9192644 by the United States Patent Office for “Curcuminoid formulations having enhanced bioavailability…”, as discovered by researchers with University of California – Los Angeles, USA. The awarded [...]

Longvida® Optimized Curcumin Receives US Patent 9,192,6442025-02-15T19:37:14+00:00

Mellow Yellow? The Mood & Cognitive Benefits Of Curcumin From Turmeric


Curcumin is the component of turmeric (Curcuma longa) that gives the spice its bright yellow colour. It is one of more than 5,000 flavonoids, a group of plant-based compounds thought to contribute to the health [...]

Mellow Yellow? The Mood & Cognitive Benefits Of Curcumin From Turmeric2025-02-15T19:35:42+00:00

Pomella® And Cardio-Metabolic Health: New Research


Natural Products INSIDER, October 2016 – Researchers with the Srikot Research Institute studied the effects of Pomella® Extract (from Verdure Sciences) in patients (20-60 years of age) with myocardial infarction in conjunction with regular prescribed [...]

Pomella® And Cardio-Metabolic Health: New Research2022-04-24T16:21:40+00:00
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