
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Please note that the physiological activity of the ingredient(s) described herein is supported by the referenced clinical trial reports. Marketers of finished products containing the ingredient(s) described herein are responsible for determining whether claims made for such products are lawful and in compliance with the laws of the country in which they will market the products.



Don’t see what you’re looking for? All additional research is categorized under supportive research.

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An antioxidative effect of Punica granatum (pomegranate) on biochemical parameters in patients with MI: A double blind placebo controlled trial.

Goyal R et al.
Eur J Biomed Pharma Sci. 2016 Apr 30. Vol 3(Issue 5): 662-667.
Patients were administered 300mg of Pomella® twice daily for 30-days as an adjunct treatment and showed significant improvements in biomedical parameters such as HDL, OX-LDL, serum homocysteine, hs-CRP, and others.

Pomegranate’s neuroprotective effects are mediated by urolithins, its ellagitannin-gut microbial derived metabolites.

Yuan T et al.
ACS Chem Neurosci. 2015 Nov 11. doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.5b00260
Urolithins, gut microbial metabolites of ellagitannins, fulfilled in silico criteria required for BBB permeability, and prevented β-amyloid fibrillation in vivo. Moreover, urolithins not only prevented β-amyloid fibrillation in vitro, they also protected Caenorhabditis elegans from amyloid β1−42 induced neurotoxicity and paralysis, supporting Pomella's neuroprotective effect.

Evaluation of bioactivity of pomegranate fruit extract against Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris DSM 3922 vegetative cells and spores in apple juice.

Molva C & Baysal AH.
LWT - Food Sci Technol. 62(2): 989-995. doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2015.02.021

Pomegranate extract modulates processing of amyloid-β precursor protein in an aged animal model.

Ahmed AH et al.
Current Alz Res. 2014. 11(9).
Pomella® was shown to impact cognitive function and markers of healthy brain aging in an aged transgenic AD model. Findings support a specific anti-amyloidgenic mechanism of Pomella.

Pomegranate [Pomella®] phenolics inhibit formation of advanced glycation endproducts by scavenging reactive carbonyl species.

Liu W et al.
Food Funct. 2014 Sep 11. 5: 2996-3004. doi: 10.1039/c4fo00538d
Pomella® phenolics inhibit the formation of a biologically relevant oxidative stress marker called Advanced Glycation Endproducts, or AGEs.

Pomegranate extracts impact the androgen biosynthesis pathways in prostate models in vitro and in vivo.

Ming DS et al.
J Stero Biochem Molec Biol. Sep 2014. 143: 19-28. doi: 10.1016/j.jsmb.2014.02.006

Variability in the antioxidant activity of dietary supplements from pomegranate [Pomella®], milk thistle, green tea, grape seed, goji, and acai: Effects of in vitro digestion.

Henning SM et al.
J Agric Food Chem. 2014 Apr 18. 62: 4313-4321. doi: 10.1021/jf500106r
Pomella® ranked highest in antioxidant activity across a number of assays including ORAC, TEAC, FRAP, and DPPH, compared to 26 other antioxidant products.

Inhibitory effects of polyphenol punicalagin on type-II collagen degradation in vitro and in vivo. Chem-Bio Inter.

Jean-Giles D et al.
2013 Jun 20. 205: 90-99. EPub 2013 Jul 2. doi: 10.1016/j.cbi.2013.06.018
Pomella’s punicalagins were shown to inhibit collagen degradation and supported anti-inflammatory effects; indicating possible joint health support opportunities.

Inhibitory effect of a standardized pomegranate fruit extract on wnt signalling in 1, 2-dimethylhydrazine induced rat colon carcinogenesis.

Sadik NAH & Shaker OG.
Digest Dis Sci. 31 May 2013. 58(9): 2507-2517. doi: 10.1007/s10620-013-2704-z

The effects of pomegranate on bacterial translocation in rats with obstructive jaundice.

GüMüŞ M et al.
European Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2013. 17(11): 1488-1494.

Anti-proliferative activity and protection against oxidative DNA damage by punicalagin isolated from pomegranate husk.

Aqil F et al.
Food Res Inter. Nov 2012. 49(1): 345-353. doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2012.07.059

The antiplaque efficacy of pomegranate mouthrinse.

Bhadbhade SJ et al.
Quintessence Int (Berl). Jan 2011. 42(1): 29-36.
To evaluate the effect of a pomegranate-containing mouth rinse on plaque, determine whether it has any adverse effects, and evaluate its antibacterial properties against selected periodontopathogens in vitro.

Pomegranate extract inhibits the proliferation and viability of MMTV-Wnt-1 mouse mammary stem cells in vitro.

Ciolino H et al.
01 Oct 2010. Oncol Reports. 24: 1087-1091. doi: 10.3892/or_00000959

Effects of fruit ellagitannin extracts, ellagic acid, and their colonic metabolite, urolithin A, on Wnt signaling.

Sharma M et al.
J Agric Food Chem. 16 Dec 2009. 58(7): 3965-3969. doi: 10.1021/jf902857v

Pomegranate extract mouth rinsing effects on saliva measures relevant to gingivitis risk.

DiSilvestro RA et al.
Phytother Res. 2009. 23: 1123-1127. EPub 2009 Jan 23. doi: 10.1002/ptr.2759
Pomella® mouthwash administered 3x daily affected saliva readings for antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and bacterial enzyme inhibition compared to placebo. Further, Pomella reduced total protein count, which is associated with plaque forming bacteria.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? All additional research is categorized under supportive research.

  • Filter By Category:

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An antioxidative effect of Punica granatum (pomegranate) on biochemical parameters in patients with MI: A double blind placebo controlled trial.

Goyal R et al.
Eur J Biomed Pharma Sci. 2016 Apr 30. Vol 3(Issue 5): 662-667.
Patients were administered 300mg of Pomella® twice daily for 30-days as an adjunct treatment and showed significant improvements in biomedical parameters such as HDL, OX-LDL, serum homocysteine, hs-CRP, and others.

Pomegranate’s neuroprotective effects are mediated by urolithins, its ellagitannin-gut microbial derived metabolites.

Yuan T et al.
ACS Chem Neurosci. 2015 Nov 11. doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.5b00260
Urolithins, gut microbial metabolites of ellagitannins, fulfilled in silico criteria required for BBB permeability, and prevented β-amyloid fibrillation in vivo. Moreover, urolithins not only prevented β-amyloid fibrillation in vitro, they also protected Caenorhabditis elegans from amyloid β1−42 induced neurotoxicity and paralysis, supporting Pomella's neuroprotective effect.

Evaluation of bioactivity of pomegranate fruit extract against Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris DSM 3922 vegetative cells and spores in apple juice.

Molva C & Baysal AH.
LWT - Food Sci Technol. 62(2): 989-995. doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2015.02.021

Pomegranate extract modulates processing of amyloid-β precursor protein in an aged animal model.

Ahmed AH et al.
Current Alz Res. 2014. 11(9).
Pomella® was shown to impact cognitive function and markers of healthy brain aging in an aged transgenic AD model. Findings support a specific anti-amyloidgenic mechanism of Pomella.

Pomegranate [Pomella®] phenolics inhibit formation of advanced glycation endproducts by scavenging reactive carbonyl species.

Liu W et al.
Food Funct. 2014 Sep 11. 5: 2996-3004. doi: 10.1039/c4fo00538d
Pomella® phenolics inhibit the formation of a biologically relevant oxidative stress marker called Advanced Glycation Endproducts, or AGEs.

Pomegranate extracts impact the androgen biosynthesis pathways in prostate models in vitro and in vivo.

Ming DS et al.
J Stero Biochem Molec Biol. Sep 2014. 143: 19-28. doi: 10.1016/j.jsmb.2014.02.006

Variability in the antioxidant activity of dietary supplements from pomegranate [Pomella®], milk thistle, green tea, grape seed, goji, and acai: Effects of in vitro digestion.

Henning SM et al.
J Agric Food Chem. 2014 Apr 18. 62: 4313-4321. doi: 10.1021/jf500106r
Pomella® ranked highest in antioxidant activity across a number of assays including ORAC, TEAC, FRAP, and DPPH, compared to 26 other antioxidant products.

Inhibitory effects of polyphenol punicalagin on type-II collagen degradation in vitro and in vivo. Chem-Bio Inter.

Jean-Giles D et al.
2013 Jun 20. 205: 90-99. EPub 2013 Jul 2. doi: 10.1016/j.cbi.2013.06.018
Pomella’s punicalagins were shown to inhibit collagen degradation and supported anti-inflammatory effects; indicating possible joint health support opportunities.

Inhibitory effect of a standardized pomegranate fruit extract on wnt signalling in 1, 2-dimethylhydrazine induced rat colon carcinogenesis.

Sadik NAH & Shaker OG.
Digest Dis Sci. 31 May 2013. 58(9): 2507-2517. doi: 10.1007/s10620-013-2704-z

The effects of pomegranate on bacterial translocation in rats with obstructive jaundice.

GüMüŞ M et al.
European Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2013. 17(11): 1488-1494.

Anti-proliferative activity and protection against oxidative DNA damage by punicalagin isolated from pomegranate husk.

Aqil F et al.
Food Res Inter. Nov 2012. 49(1): 345-353. doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2012.07.059

The antiplaque efficacy of pomegranate mouthrinse.

Bhadbhade SJ et al.
Quintessence Int (Berl). Jan 2011. 42(1): 29-36.
To evaluate the effect of a pomegranate-containing mouth rinse on plaque, determine whether it has any adverse effects, and evaluate its antibacterial properties against selected periodontopathogens in vitro.

Pomegranate extract inhibits the proliferation and viability of MMTV-Wnt-1 mouse mammary stem cells in vitro.

Ciolino H et al.
01 Oct 2010. Oncol Reports. 24: 1087-1091. doi: 10.3892/or_00000959

Effects of fruit ellagitannin extracts, ellagic acid, and their colonic metabolite, urolithin A, on Wnt signaling.

Sharma M et al.
J Agric Food Chem. 16 Dec 2009. 58(7): 3965-3969. doi: 10.1021/jf902857v

Pomegranate extract mouth rinsing effects on saliva measures relevant to gingivitis risk.

DiSilvestro RA et al.
Phytother Res. 2009. 23: 1123-1127. EPub 2009 Jan 23. doi: 10.1002/ptr.2759
Pomella® mouthwash administered 3x daily affected saliva readings for antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and bacterial enzyme inhibition compared to placebo. Further, Pomella reduced total protein count, which is associated with plaque forming bacteria.