Longvida® Named Finalist For Nutrition Research Project Award
Longvida® Named Finalist For Nutrition Research Project Award
Longvida® Optimized Curcumin® has recently been named one of three finalists for the 2020 NutraIngredients-Asia Nutrition Research Project award. This prestigious accomplishment is in a category that rewards the best game changing nutrition research projects pushing the boundaries of nutritional science. We are proud to be included among this years’ finalists for this esteemed award and look forward to the announcement on NutraIngredients-Asia.com on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at 3pm GMT+8.
Further evidence of benefits to mood and working memory from lipidated curcumin [Longvida] in healthy older people: A 12-week, double-blind, partial replication study,” addresses a global public health concern regarding the need for cognitive health support through improved mood, working memory, spatial memory, concentration, sustained attention, and fatigue. Many of these attributes have been linked to cognitive decline. In particular, spatial memory is known to take place in the hippocampus, and thus, targeting this area of the brain is of interest. Further, this project directly correlates to the most commonly affected demographic by examining a healthy group of educated adults aged 50-80 years. Not only does this research offer a low-cost solution for healthy brain aging, it is also supported by multiple studies at a once daily dose (400mg Longvida® – 80mg curcumin), and now the same researchers that reported award-winning (NutraIngredients Research Project of the year 2015) cognitive health findings are replicating their efforts – in both research and award nominations.
This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was a follow-up to a previous 4-week trial examining Longvida® on cognitive function, mood, and wellbeing in healthy adults. In the new trial, after a baseline assessment, results were measured at 4 and 12-weeks. Longvida® was well-tolerated with no severe adverse effects. According to researchers, this follow-up study “confirms that Longvida® improves aspects of mood and working memory in a healthy older cohort.”1
Significant improvements in aspects of cognitive function and mood were observed, including decreased fatigue, tension, anger, confusion, and total mood, as well as improvements to working memory, concentration, and spatial memory and learning. Combined, these attributes suggest promise for “alleviating cognitive decline in some populations,”1 explained researchers.
“There has been an increased demand for cognitive health products. This project gave further proof that Longvida indeed supports aspects of cognitive function, working memory, spatial memory & learning, concentration, and mood through improvements to fatigue, stress, tension, and anxiety.1 This trial also substantiates the efficacy of Longvida and adds to the existing cognitive health clinicals on Longvida Optimized Curcumin®,”2-9 explained Leisha Jenkins, Marketing Associate at Verdure Sciences.
Jenkins went on to explain, “We are very excited this study has shown replicative results in a similar population of healthy older adults and are thrilled to be considered for this award. Further confirming Longvida’s benefits in mood and memory, it is very promising to see these results in subjects that have more education and slightly higher cognitive abilities prior to the study.1 We are honored to be recognized as a finalist in this category alongside the shortlist of exceptional companies and products. This also further validates the work being done supporting Longvida Cognitive Curcumin of Choice® as a promising ingredient for healthy aging and cognitive wellbeing.”
Verdure extends recognition and thanks to the team of researchers at Swinburne University for their continued efforts, due diligence, and research into Longvida Optimized Curcumin®. Verdure is honored to have been chosen as a finalist for the Nutrition Research Project Award from NutraIngredients–Asia and for the recognition of this research endeavor. †
† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
About Longvida®: Patented Longvida Optimized Curcumin® utilizes Solid Lipid Curcumin Particle (SLCP™) Technology that promotes the uptake of free curcumin. Developed by university neuroscientists, Longvida® is able to bypass initial hydrolysis and deliver unglucuronidated (free) curcumin to the brain and target tissues. Extensively studied by independent researchers around the globe, Longvida offers efficacious free curcumin at easily managed daily doses as the Cognitive Curcumin of Choice™. Longvida®, Optimized Curcumin®, and Longvida Optimized Curcumin® are registered trademark of Verdure Sciences®, Inc. To learn more about Restoridyn, visit: https://vs-corp.com/longvida/
- Cox KHM et al. Nutrients. 2020 Jun 04. 12(6): 1678.
- Koronyo Y et al. JCI Insight. 2017. 2(16).
- Rafii MS et al. Front Behav Neurosci. 2015 Sep 14. 9: 239.
- Kawamoto K et al. Japanese Pharmacol Ther. 2019. 47: 1253-1268.
- Scholey A et al. Current Dev Nut. 2019 Jun. Poster. 3(1): nzz052.OR32-05-19)
- Cox KH et al. J Psychopharmacol. 2015 May. 29(5): 642-651.
- Kuszewski JC et al. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2019.
- DiSilvestro RA et al. Nutr. J. 2012 Sep 26. 11(79).
- Scholey A et al. Poster presented in: FENS. Dublin, Ireland. 2019: P3-01-02.
Longvida® Optimized Curcumin® has recently been named one of three finalists for the 2020 NutraIngredients-Asia Nutrition Research Project award. This prestigious accomplishment is in a category that rewards the best game changing nutrition research projects pushing the boundaries of nutritional science. We are proud to be included among this years’ finalists for this esteemed award and look forward to the announcement on NutraIngredients-Asia.com on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at 3pm GMT+8.
Further evidence of benefits to mood and working memory from lipidated curcumin [Longvida] in healthy older people: A 12-week, double-blind, partial replication study,” addresses a global public health concern regarding the need for cognitive health support through improved mood, working memory, spatial memory, concentration, sustained attention, and fatigue. Many of these attributes have been linked to cognitive decline. In particular, spatial memory is known to take place in the hippocampus, and thus, targeting this area of the brain is of interest. Further, this project directly correlates to the most commonly affected demographic by examining a healthy group of educated adults aged 50-80 years. Not only does this research offer a low-cost solution for healthy brain aging, it is also supported by multiple studies at a once daily dose (400mg Longvida® – 80mg curcumin), and now the same researchers that reported award-winning (NutraIngredients Research Project of the year 2015) cognitive health findings are replicating their efforts – in both research and award nominations.
This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was a follow-up to a previous 4-week trial examining Longvida® on cognitive function, mood, and wellbeing in healthy adults. In the new trial, after a baseline assessment, results were measured at 4 and 12-weeks. Longvida® was well-tolerated with no severe adverse effects. According to researchers, this follow-up study “confirms that Longvida® improves aspects of mood and working memory in a healthy older cohort.”1
Significant improvements in aspects of cognitive function and mood were observed, including decreased fatigue, tension, anger, confusion, and total mood, as well as improvements to working memory, concentration, and spatial memory and learning. Combined, these attributes suggest promise for “alleviating cognitive decline in some populations,”1 explained researchers.
“There has been an increased demand for cognitive health products. This project gave further proof that Longvida indeed supports aspects of cognitive function, working memory, spatial memory & learning, concentration, and mood through improvements to fatigue, stress, tension, and anxiety.1 This trial also substantiates the efficacy of Longvida and adds to the existing cognitive health clinicals on Longvida Optimized Curcumin®,”2-9 explained Leisha Jenkins, Marketing Associate at Verdure Sciences.
Jenkins went on to explain, “We are very excited this study has shown replicative results in a similar population of healthy older adults and are thrilled to be considered for this award. Further confirming Longvida’s benefits in mood and memory, it is very promising to see these results in subjects that have more education and slightly higher cognitive abilities prior to the study.1 We are honored to be recognized as a finalist in this category alongside the shortlist of exceptional companies and products. This also further validates the work being done supporting Longvida Cognitive Curcumin of Choice® as a promising ingredient for healthy aging and cognitive wellbeing.”
Verdure extends recognition and thanks to the team of researchers at Swinburne University for their continued efforts, due diligence, and research into Longvida Optimized Curcumin®. Verdure is honored to have been chosen as a finalist for the Nutrition Research Project Award from NutraIngredients–Asia and for the recognition of this research endeavor. †
† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
About Longvida®: Patented Longvida Optimized Curcumin® utilizes Solid Lipid Curcumin Particle (SLCP™) Technology that promotes the uptake of free curcumin. Developed by university neuroscientists, Longvida® is able to bypass initial hydrolysis and deliver unglucuronidated (free) curcumin to the brain and target tissues. Extensively studied by independent researchers around the globe, Longvida offers efficacious free curcumin at easily managed daily doses as the Cognitive Curcumin of Choice™. Longvida®, Optimized Curcumin®, and Longvida Optimized Curcumin® are registered trademark of Verdure Sciences®, Inc. To learn more about Restoridyn, visit: https://vs-corp.com/longvida/
- Cox KHM et al. Nutrients. 2020 Jun 04. 12(6): 1678.
- Koronyo Y et al. JCI Insight. 2017. 2(16).
- Rafii MS et al. Front Behav Neurosci. 2015 Sep 14. 9: 239.
- Kawamoto K et al. Japanese Pharmacol Ther. 2019. 47: 1253-1268.
- Scholey A et al. Current Dev Nut. 2019 Jun. Poster. 3(1): nzz052.OR32-05-19)
- Cox KH et al. J Psychopharmacol. 2015 May. 29(5): 642-651.
- Kuszewski JC et al. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2019.
- DiSilvestro RA et al. Nutr. J. 2012 Sep 26. 11(79).
- Scholey A et al. Poster presented in: FENS. Dublin, Ireland. 2019: P3-01-02.
About Verdure Sciences®:
Verdure Sciences manages ingredient innovation throughout the integration of supply network, production, and research platforms. With an expanding pipeline of proprietary, standardized botanical ingredients supported by pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, and clinical research profiles, we work toward our unified vision to offer safe, effective ingredient solutions. Verdure Sciences® is a registered trademark of Verdure Sciences®, Inc.
For our most current patent and trademark information, please visit: https://vs-corp.com/ip/ | https://vs-corp.com for more information
About Verdure Sciences®:
Verdure Sciences manages ingredient innovation throughout the integration of supply network, production, and research platforms. With an expanding pipeline of proprietary, standardized botanical ingredients supported by pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, and clinical research profiles, we work toward our unified vision to offer safe, effective ingredient solutions. Verdure Sciences® is a registered trademark of Verdure Sciences®, Inc.
For our most current patent and trademark information, please visit: https://vs-corp.com/ip/ | https://vs-corp.com for more information